Volunteers are critical to the success of Berkeley Haas, helping to shape and guide our school and to keep alumni connected to one another and to Haas. Each year, thousands of alumni go beyond themselves, lending their time and energy to positively impact Haas and its student community. For that, we sincerely thank you.

Alumni Council Co-Chairs, Frank Rockwood, MBA 93, and Emily Walling, MBA 08
Above: Alumni Council Co-Chairs, Frank Rockwood, MBA 93, and Emily Walling, MBA 08
The Berkeley Haas Alumni Network flourishes because of the power of one another. Most days of the week, a Berkeley Haas event happens somewhere in the world, all thanks to the work of volunteers who plan events and gatherings in your local area. Shown: volunteers from around the world united at Berkeley Haas in Oct. 2018 for an annual training and sharing of best practices.
Above: The Berkeley Haas Alumni Network flourishes because of the power of one another. Most days of the week, a Berkeley Haas event happens somewhere in the world, all thanks to the work of volunteers who plan events and gatherings in your local area. Shown: volunteers from around the world united at Berkeley Haas in Oct. 2018 for an annual training and sharing of best practices.